Neonatal feeding care

Identifying signs or symptoms that require attention in newborns. However, these cases do not require an ambulance as much as they require attention and examination by a doctor or health care provider. Adequate nutrition: Prepared by: Dalal Edriss References:

Vital signs of the newborn

Before starting newborn screening, Vital signs should be checked first, especially heart rate and breathing rate. Heartbeat: Breathing: temperature: blood pressure: General assessment of the child: This includes (weight, Measure the height, Head circumference) to ensure the baby’s size is within the normal range and in good proportion. How is a child evaluated according to…


Fever We have another case of high temperature, which is a fever. So what is going on?? For example: If their temperature is normal and we go out for intense exercise, The excessive burning process that occurred during exercise increases the internal temperature of the body. Will we feel hotter or hotter? But when the…

Cellular respiration

Cellular respiration: Cellular respiration: It is a set of metabolic reactions that occur in cells to convert biochemical energy and interact with oxygen to produce energy. Cellular respiration goes through three phases that are the basis of vital metabolism: Glycolysis. Krebs Cycle. Oxidative Phosphorylation. And we will begin with the stage of glycolysis that occurs…